Clients who have any questions about any abbreviations on their criminal report and cannot find a specific abbreviation on this page are welcome to contact our customer support team at any time. We are committed to educating our customers and providing them with the best resources available, and we will work to get you the answers you need in order to use the information on your criminal background check report to the fullest extent. Please let us know if there are any abbreviations that you feel need to be added to this page, as we are always looking to expand the resources we provide to our customers.
If you are looking for the Background Check Glossary, please click here.
A | Assault |
AA | ARMED Assault, Armed |
A INT MAIM | Assault with Intent to Maim |
A TO K (or MAIM, MUR, RAPE, ROB) | Assault to Kill (or Maim, Murder, Rape, Robbery) |
A & B | Assault and Battery |
A & ROB (armed) | Assault and Robbery (armed) |
AA By Pub Serv | Aggravated Assault by Public Servant |
AA/DW or Agg Aslt Dw | Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon |
AA/PO | Aggravated Assault Against Peace or Police Officer |
AA/SBI or Agg Aslt SBI | Aggravated Assault / Severe Bodily Injury |
AA/Witness | Aggravated Assault Against Witness |
AAWW | Aggravated Assault With Weapon |
ABC | Act Alcohol Beverage Control Act |
ABD | Abduction |
ABET | Abet |
ABNDN or ABNDNT | Abandon or Abandonment |
ABST | Abstraction |
ABUS LANG | Abusive Language |
ABWIK | Assault and Battery With Intent to Kill |
ACAF | Accessory After the Fact |
ACBF | Accessory Before the Fact |
ACC | Accessory |
ACC AFT FACT REC | Accessory After the Fact, Receiving |
ACC BURG | Accessory to Burglary |
ACC TO ISS CHK | Accessory to Issuing Check |
ACC TO JL BRK | Accessory to Jail Break |
ACC TO L | Accessory to Larceny |
ACC TO MUR | Accessory to Murder |
ACC TO ROB | Accessory to Robbery |
ACCOMP DD | Accompanying Drunken Driver |
ACCPL | Accomplice |
ACCPT BRB | Accepting a Bribe |
ADJ | Adjudication |
ADLTY | Adultery |
ADW | Assault with Deadly Weapon |
ADW/FIREARM | Assault with Deadly Weapon/Firearms |
AFA | Alien Firearms Act |
AFCF | After Former Conviction of a Felony |
AFDVT | Affidavit |
AFFR | Affray |
AFFR WDW | Affray With Deadly Weapon |
AFO | Assaulting a Federal Officer |
AGG A | Aggravated Assault |
AGG Kidnap | Aggravated Kidnapping |
Agg Prom Prost | Aggravated Promotion of Prostitution |
Agg Rob DW | Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon |
AID & ABET LOTT | Aiding and Abetting Lottery |
AID & HAR ESC PR | Aiding and Harboring an Escaped Prisoner |
AID PR TO ESC | Aiding a Prisoner to Escape |
AIDA | Automobile Information Disclosure Act |
AKA | Also Known As |
ALIEN POSS FIREARMS | Alien in Possession of Firearms |
ALLOW DR W/O PRMT | Allowing One to Drive Without a Permit |
ALT | Altering |
ANNOY & SOL | Annoying and Soliciting |
APC | Actual Physical Control |
APCV | Actual Physical Control of a Vehicle |
APIPOCC | Appropriating Property In Possession Of Common Carrier |
APP. CT | Appellate Court |
APPROP | Appropriating |
APO | Assaulting Police Officer |
AR | Anti-Racketeering |
ARD | Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition |
ARL | Antiriot Laws |
ARMED WDW | Armed With Dangerous Weapon |
ARSON OF PERS PROP | Arson of Personal Property |
ASLT | Assault |
ASLT TO RA | Assault to Rob Armed |
ASMB | Assembling |
ASST | Assisting |
ASST ATT TO RAPE | Assisting in Attempt to Commit Rape |
ASST PROST | Assisting Prostitution |
ATL | Antitrust Law |
ATPT | Attempt |
ATROC | Atrocious |
ATT | Attempt or Attempted |
ATT RA | Attempted Robbery Armed |
ATTEMPT | Attempt to Steal, Commit, etc |
AUTO H & R | Auto – Hit and Run |
AUTO NO LIC | Auto – No License |
AVIN | Altered Vehicle Identification Number |
AWDW | Assault with Deadly Weapon |
AWDWIKISI | Assault with a Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill or Inflict Serious Injury |
AWOL | Absent Without Leave |
B | Breaking |
B | Battery (FBI definition) |
B & E | Breaking and Entering |
B of P | Breach of Peace (FBI definition) |
B/F | Bond Forfeiture |
BAIL JUMPG | Bail Jumping |
BATT | Battery |
BB | Bank Burglary |
BC | Bad Check or Bogus Check |
BF & E | Bank Fraud and Embezzlement |
BI | Bodily Injury |
BKMKG | Bookmaking |
BL | Bank Larceny |
BLKML | Blackmail |
BOND FORF | Bond Forfeiture |
BOP | Breach of Peace |
BORD | Bill of Review Denied |
BORG | Bill of Review Granted |
BR | Bank Robbery |
BRBG | Bribing |
BRBY | Bribery |
BRCSP | Buying, Receiving, Concealing Stolen Property |
BTCP | Probation Following Boot Camp Incarceration |
BTG | Beating |
BNID | Burglary Not In a Dwelling |
BURG | Burglary |
Burg Building | Burglary of Building |
Burg Com | Burglary of Coin Operated Machine |
Burg Hab | Burglary of Habitation |
Burg Veh | Burglary of Vehicle |
BURN DEST INS PROP | Burning, Destroying, etc., Insured Property |
BURN INT INJ INS | Burning, Intent to Injure Insurer |
BWI | Boating while Intoxicated |
C & F | Call and Failed, (voluntary dismissal by judge or court) |
C to D of M | Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor |
CAID | Criminal Activity In Drugs |
CAR B | Car Breaking |
CAR PROWL | Car Prowling |
CC ABUSE/USE | Credit Card Abuse |
CCDW | Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapon |
CCF | Carrying Concealed Firearm |
CCW | Carry Concealed Weapon |
CD | Conditional Discharge |
CDW | Carrying Dangerous Weapon |
CF/TM | Counterfeiting Trademark |
CIT | Citation Code (Georgia State) |
C/F US Gov Doc | Counterfeiting/Forging of Government Doc |
CK | (Check) can also mean Carnal Knowledge (of FC – Female Child) |
CL | Complied with Law |
CMPT | Contempt |
CNSP | Conspiracy to Commit |
CNTY | CRT County Court |
COC | Contempt of Court |
COMM IND ACT | Committing Indecent Act |
COMN | Common (used with assault, cheat, drunk, etc.) |
COMP FEL | Compounding a Felony |
CONC EVID | Concealing Evidence |
CONSP | Conspiracy |
CONT DA | Controlled Dangerous Substance |
CONV | Conversion |
CPCS | Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance |
CPDD | Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs |
CPSP | Criminal Possession of Stolen Property |
CR B | Criminal – B (Not Felony) |
CR to ANI | Cruelty to Animals |
CR to CHDN | Cruelty to Children |
CRIM CRLESS | Criminal Carelessness |
CRLESS DR | Careless Driving |
CRNL | Carnal |
CRNL KNLDG | Carnal Knowledge (of FC – Female Child) |
CRSP | Criminal Receiving Stolen Property |
CRV | Conditional Release Violator |
CSA | Controlled Substance Act |
CSCS | Criminal Sale of Controlled Substances |
CTFG or CTFT | Counterfeiting or Counterfeit |
CW | Concealed Weapons |
CW W/O PRMT OR LIC | Carrying Weapon Without Permit or License |
CWIK | Cutting With Intent to Kill |
D & D(C) | Drunk and Disorderly (Conduct) |
D & S | Dangerous and Suspicious |
DA | Drug Abuse |
DAA W/O OP | Driving Away Auto Without Owner’s Permission |
DAMV | Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles |
DAR | Driving After Revocation |
DC | Disorderly Conduct |
DC Abuse | Debit Card Abuse |
DCI | Driving Car Intoxicated |
DCI (-D or -L) | Driving Car Intoxicated (-Drugs or -Liquor) |
DCMW | Drunk in Control of Motor Vehicle |
DE | Deferred |
DEAL IN LOTT POL | Dealing in Lottery Police |
DECEPTIVE PRACTICE | Writing Bad Checks |
DEF BLDG | Defacing Building |
DEF BRAKES | Defective Brakes |
DEF GPVT BONDS | Defacing Government Bonds |
DEF OR DEST PERS PROP | Defacing or Destroying Personal Property |
DEF OR DEST PUB PROP | Defacing or Destroying Public Property |
DEFR | Defrauding |
Del CS | Delivery of Controlled Substance |
Del MJ | Delivery of Marijuana |
DELIN | Delinquent |
DEP | Deportation |
DEPOS IN US PO THRT | Depositing in US Post Office Threat to Injure Person or Property of Addressee |
DESER | Desertion or Deserter |
DESTR OF IP | Destruction of Interstate Property |
DGP | Destruction of Government Property |
DH | Disorderly House |
DIP | Drunk In Public |
DIS | Disorderly |
DISCH FIREARMS | Discharging Firearms |
DISM | Charge Dismissed |
DISP MTG PROP | Disposing of Mortgaged Property |
DISP STLN PROP | Disposing of Stolen Property |
DIST | Disturbance |
DIST PEACE | Disturbing the Peace |
DISTIL | Distilling |
DISTR | Distributing |
DIV | Diverting |
DL | Drug Law |
DMG PROP | Damaging Property |
DOF | Desecration of Flag |
DP | Disorderly Person |
DR W/O PRMT | Driving Without Permit |
DRK | Drunk |
DRUG/MOP SCH | Drugs Manufactured or Possessed Near a School |
DRW CHK W/O FDS | Drawing Check Without Funds |
DRW OR EXH FIREARMS | Drawing or Exhibiting Firearms |
DSMD | Dismissed |
DSPLY VOID OP LIC | Displaying Void Operator’s License |
DUI (L) | Driving While Under the Influence (of Liquor) |
DUS | Driving Under Suspension |
DV | Domestic Violence |
DW | Dangerous Weapon |
DWA | Dangerous Weapon Act |
DWAI | Driving While Ability Impaired |
DWD (-D or -L) | Driving While Drunk (-Drugs or -Liquor) |
DWI | Driving While Impaired or Driving While Intoxicated |
DWLG | Dwelling |
DWLS | Driving While License Suspended |
DWLS/SR | Driving While License Suspended/Sentence Reduced |
DYN | Dynamiting |
DYN INH BLDG | Dynamiting Inhabited Building |
EAR | Escape and Rescue |
ECT | Extortionate Credit Transactions |
EFP | Escaped Federal Prisoner |
EGP | Embezzlement of Government Property |
EID | Explosives and Incendiary Devices |
EL | Election Laws |
ELIM | Elimination |
EMBZ | Embezzlement or Embezzling |
ENDANG | Endangering |
ENDANG L OR H OF CHILD | Endangering the Life or Health of a Child |
ENT (or E) | Entering |
ENTIC | Enticing |
ENTIC FEM U AGE | Enticing Females Under Age |
ENTIC INTO IMM PLACE | Enticing Into Immoral Place |
ESC | Escaped |
ESC CONV | Escaped Convict |
ESC FED CUST | Escaping Federal Custody |
ESC LAW FRAUD VIOLATION | Employment Security Commission Law Fraud Violation (Welfare Fraud) |
ESP | Espionage |
EV | Evasion or Evading |
EV TAX L | Evasion of Tax Law |
EVSDRP | Eavesdropping |
EXH | Exhibiting |
EXPLSV | Explosives |
EXPOS | Exposing |
EXT | Extortion |
F1 – F6 | Felonies with F1 being the most serious type of offense |
FACL | Facilitation Of |
FAG | Fraud Against Government |
FAIL | Failure |
FAIL ANS SUM | Failure to Answer Summons |
FAIL ASST AFT CAUS WRK | Failure to Assist After Causing Wreck |
FAIL TO APP | Failure to Appear |
FAIL TO OBT LIC OR PRMT | Failure to Obtain a License or Permit |
FAIL TO PROV | Failure to Provide |
FAIL RPT ACC | Failure to Report and Accident |
FAIL RPT FEL | Failure to Report a Felony |
FAIL SRV LEG PROC | Failure to Serve Legal Process |
FAIL TO AID | Failure to Stop and Render Aid |
FALSE | Pretenses Writing Insufficient Check |
FCC | False Claiming U.S. Citizenship |
FCR | Fines, Costs and Restitution |
FEL RED | Felony Reduction |
FERIC | False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers |
FF | Fugitive File |
FFA | Federal Firearms Act |
FFJ | Fugitive from Justice |
FFST | Fail to File State Taxes |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FHIF | Frequenting House of Ill Fame |
FICT | Fictitious |
FIREARMS A | Firearms Act |
FJDA | Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act |
FLID | Failure to ID |
FLS | False |
FLS ADV | False Advertising |
FLS CL | False Claims |
FLS FIRE ALA | False Fire Alarm |
FLS POL ALA | False Police Alarm |
FMFR | Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility |
FOA | Fugitive Other Authorities |
FORC ENT | Forcible Entry |
FORF | Forfeiture, Forfeiting |
FORG | Forged, Forgery |
FORG & PASS | Forging and Passing |
FORG DR PRESC | Forging Doctor’s Prescription |
FORG US OBLI | Forging U.S. Obligations |
FORN | Fornication |
FP | False Pretenses |
FR | False Report |
FRA | Federal Reserve Act |
FRD | Fraud, Fraudulent |
FTA/TP CST | Failure to Appear to Pay Fine and Cost |
FSRA | Failure to Stop and Render Aid after a Collision |
FUDE | Fugitive Deserter |
FUUSTC | Forging and Uttering U.S. Treasury Check |
FWI | Flying While Intoxicated |
GA | Guilty in Absentia |
GAMB | Gambling |
GL (A) | Grand Larceny (Auto) |
GLFR | Grand Larceny from Retailer |
GR BOD INJ | Gross Bodily Injury |
GRD THFT or GT(A) | Grand Theft (Auto) |
GROSS CHT | Gross Cheat |
GROSS INJ | Gross Injury |
H of IF | House of Ill Fame |
H of PROS | House of Prostitution |
HAB | Habitual |
HAB DRK | Habitual Drunk |
HARB CRIM | Harboring Criminals |
HB | Housebreaking |
HLDP | Holdup |
HLDP DW | Holdup with Deadly Weapon |
HVSW | Health Violation Solid Waste |
HWY ROB | Highway Robbery |
IBC | Issue Bad Check |
ICC | Indirect Criminal Contempt |
IGA | Interstate Gambling Activities |
IGB | Illegal Gambling Business |
ILL MFNG USE SALE EMBLEMS INSIGNIA | Illegal Manufacturing Use – Possession – Sale – Emblems – Insignia |
ILLEG BUSN | Illegal Business |
ILLEG COHAB | Illegal Cohabitation |
ILLEG DENT | Illegal Dentistry |
ILLEG ENT US | Illegal Entry to U.S. |
ILL PRAC MED | Illegal Practice of Medicine |
ILLIC | Illicit |
ILLIC DISTIL | Illicit Distilling |
IMM | Immoral |
IMM ENTNMT | Immoral Entertainment |
IMP | Impersonating or Impersonation |
IMP OFC | Impersonating an Officer |
IMPR ST LIC | Improper State License |
INCEND | Incendiarism |
INCORR | Incorrigible or Incorrigibility |
IND | Indecent |
IND COND | Indecent Conduct |
IND EXP | Indecent Exposure |
IND LIB (MIN CHILD) | Indecent Liberties (With Minor Child) |
INF | Infamous |
INF CR AGST NAT | Infamous Crime Against Nature |
INFL | Influence |
INJ Invalid | Injury to Disabled Body |
INJCT | Injunction |
INM DH | Inmate Disorderly House |
INN | Innocent. Plea of not guilty, found innocent by the jury |
INST | Instructed verdict, found innocent of charge. (FBI definition is Instrument) |
INSUF FDS or INSF | Insufficient Funds |
INT | Intent |
IOC | Interception of Communications (Electronic, Oral, or Wire Communications) |
INT CS IN CO FAC | Introducing a Controlled Substance into a County Facility |
INTCRSE WITH CHILD | Intercourse With Child |
INTERF | Interfering |
Interfer Po | Interference with duties of Public Servant |
INTIM | Intimidation or Intimidating |
INTIM GOVT WIT | Intimidating Government Witness |
INTOX | Intoxication or Intoxicated |
INV | Investigation |
INVET VAG | Inveterate Vagrancy |
INVOL MANSL | Involuntary Manslaughter |
IPGP | Illegal Possession of Government Property |
IPPL | Illegal Possession Prohibited Liquor |
IRA | Internal Revenue Act |
IRC | Internal Revenue Code |
IRL | Internal Revenue Law |
IRLL | Internal Revenue Liquor Law |
ISS | Involuntary Servitude and Slavery |
ISS FRD INST | Issuing Fraudulent Instruments |
IT | Interstate Theft |
ITAR | Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering |
ITF | Interstate Transportation of Fireworks |
ITGD | Interstate Transportation of Gambling Devices |
ITLT | Interstate Transportation of Lottery Tickets |
ITOM | Interstate Transportation of Obscene mattaer |
ITPMG | Interstate Transportation of Prison-Made Goods |
ITSA | Interstate Transportation of Stolen Aircraft |
ITSC | Interstate Transportation of Stolen Cattle |
ITSMV | Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicle |
ITSP (CT or MT) | Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property (Commercialized Theft or Major Theft) |
ITWI | Interstate Transmission of Wagering Information |
ITWP | Interstate Transportation of Wagering Paraphernalia |
IWC | Issue Worthless Check |
IWFC | Interference With Flight Crew |
J SATISF | Judgment Satisfied |
JCCP | Plea of not guilty, found guilty by the jury and sentenced by the jury |
JCJG | Plea of not guilty, found guilty by the jury and sentenced by the judge |
JD | Juvenile Delinquency |
JDA | Juvenile Delinquency Act |
JGSA | Judgment Set Aside |
JL B | Jail Breaking |
JN CLOSED | Judicial Number Closed |
JOY RID | Joy Riding |
JVGR | Finding for defendant to stand trial as an adult. Case transferred to grand jury |
JVJV | Juvenile case returned to juvenile court |
JVTR | Defendant found to be juvenile by the judge, case transferred to juvenile court |
KCSP | Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |
Keep Gamb Place | Keeping a Gambling Place |
KFO | Killing Federal Officer |
KHIF | Keeping House of Ill Fame |
KID | Kidnapping |
KPO | Killing Police Officer |
KRA | Kickback Racket Act |
KRSP | Knowingly Receiving Stolen Property |
L & R | Larceny and Receiving |
L AFT TRUST | Larceny After Trust |
L and L | Lewd and Lascivious |
L BY BAILEE | Larceny by Bailee |
L FR IS | Larceny From Interstate Shipment |
LARC (or L) | Larceny |
LASCV | Lascivious |
LEWD & DISSOL | Lewd and Dissolute |
LEWD & IND ACT | Lewd and Indecent Act |
LI-S/R/D/AL/SUS OP/NEV APPL | License Suspended, Revoked, Denied; Applicant License Suspended, Never Applied |
LIO | Lesser Inclusive Offense |
LIQ | Liquor |
LL | Liquor Law |
LMFR | Larceny Merchandise From Retailer |
LOIT | Loitering |
LOTT | Lottery |
LSA | Leaving the Scene of an Accident |
LV ACC | Leaving the Scene of an Accident (FBI definition) |
MAIN BAWDY H | Maintaining Bawdy House |
MAIN DH | Maintaining Disorderly House |
MAIN LIQ NUIS | Maintaining Liquor Nuisance |
MAL | Malicious |
MANSL or MANSI | Manslaughter |
MAT WIT | Material Witness |
MF | Mail Fraud |
MFR Dang Drug | Manufacturing Dangerous Drug |
MIP | Minor in Possession |
MISAP BY PUB OFC | Misappropriation by Public Officer |
MISCOND | Misconduct |
MISD | Misdemeanor Charge |
MIST | Mistrial |
MKG FLS AFI | Making False Affidavit |
MOB ACTION | Group Disruption |
MOL | Molesting |
MUR | Murder |
MUTIL | Mutilating |
MVI | Motor Vehicle Inspection |
MVR | Mandatory Release Violator |
MVR | Motor Vehicle Report |
NACT | No Action |
NADG | Non-Adjudication of Guilt (Agreed Plea) |
NAFM | No Alabama Fuel Marker |
NAJG | Non-Adjudication of Guilt (Open Plea) |
NAOG | Deferred Probation |
NARA | Narcotics Addict Rehabilitation Act |
NARC | Narcotics |
NAT A | Naturalization Act |
NEG | Neglect |
Neg Hom | Negligent Homicide |
NFA | National Firearms Act |
NFOG | No Finding of Guilt |
NGRI | Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity |
NMVTA | National Motor Vehicle Theft Act |
NOL PRS | Nolle Pros, Nolle Prosequi, or Nolle Prossed |
NON SUP | Nonsupport |
NPCF BY MAGISTRATE | No probable cause found by Magistrate |
NRA (MD) | National Resource Authority (i.e. Fishing without a license, etc.) |
NSP | National Stolen Property |
NUIS | Nuisance |
NWNI | Negotiating a Worthless Negotiable Instrument (bad check) |
OAWI | Operating Auto While Intoxicated |
OBS LIT | Obscene Literature |
OBS PICT | Obscene Pictures |
OBTS FORMAT | Offensive Base Tracking System (Florida computer system for law enforcement tracking of cases.) |
OCC ROOM IMM PUR | Occupying Room for Immoral Purposes |
OCI | Obstruction of Criminal Investigations |
OCO | Obstruction of Court Orders |
ODLA | Driver License Amended |
ODLD | Driver License Dismissed |
ODLG | Driver License Granted |
OGFP | Obtaining Goods by False Pretense |
OHIR | Operating House of Ill Repute |
OMFP | Obtaining Money by False Pretense |
OMV PRMT SUSP | Operating Motor Vehicle after Permit Suspended |
OMV W/O (LIC PL or OC or PRMT) | Operating Motor Vehicle Without (License Plates or Owner’s Consent or Permit) |
OMVWI (-D or –L) | Operating Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated (-Drugs or -Liquor) |
OOJ | Obstruction of Justice |
OP LOT & SL MACH | Operating Lottery and Slot Machine |
OP STILL | Operating Still |
OPFP | Obtaining Property Under False Pretenses |
OPIUM | Opium Resorts |
ORD | Ordinance |
OUI | Operating Under the Influence of Liquor or Drugs |
OVUI (-D or –L) | Operating Vehicle Under Influence of (-Drugs or -Liquor) |
OVUIL OR NARC | Operating Vehicle Under Influence of Liquor or Narcotic Drugs |
OVWD (-D or –L) | Operating Vehicle While Drunk (-Drugs or -Liquor) |
OWI | Operating While Intoxicated |
P NC | Plead No Contest |
P/W INT DEL COC | Possession with intent to deliver cocaine |
PA | Plea in Abeyance |
PAY ON SCH OF P/O; WHEN MONIES PD TRANS TO UNSUP PROB | Pay on schedule of parole officer; when monies paid transfer to unsupervised probation |
PAND | Pandering |
PANH | Panhandling |
PASS BAD CHKS | Passing Bad Checks |
PASS CTFT CURR | Passing Counterfeit Currency |
PASS FORG PO MO | Passing Forged Post Office Money Orders |
PASS RAISED MO | Passing Raised Money Orders |
PASS WRTHLS CHKS | Passing Worthless Checks |
Pawnbrokers Act | False reporting to a pawn broker |
PBV | Parole Violator |
PCT | Possession of Criminal Tools |
PED | Peddler or Peddling |
PERJ | Perjury |
PERV | Pervert or Perverted |
PERV PRAC | Perverted Practice |
PFA | Considered a Violation; Protection from Abuse |
PGBC | Agreed Plea of Guilty Before the Court |
PGBJ | Open Plea of Guilty Before a Jury |
PGFR | Agreed Plea of Guilty Before the Court. Felony reduced to a misdemeanor |
PGJG | Open Plea of Guilty Before the Court |
PIC | Possession of Implement of Crime |
PIE | Presence in Illegal Establishment |
PIMP | Pimping |
PIST L | Pistol Law |
PJ or PJC | Prayer for Judgment |
PL | Petty Larceny |
POIS | Poisoning |
POLY | Polygamy |
POS/CON F-WN/LQ/MXBV UNAUTH PR | Possession of a full container of wine, liquor or malt beverage (beer) by an unauthorized person |
POSS | Possession |
POSS BURG TOOLS | Possession of Burglary Tools |
POSS CONTR SUB | Possession Controlled Substance |
POSS CP CS – LT 28G | Criminal possession of a controlled substance less than (number of) grams |
POSS DW | Possession Dangerous Weapon |
POSS SG | Possession Stolen Goods |
POSS STLN PROP | Possession Stolen Property |
POST L | Postal Laws |
PP | Prepaid |
PP | Pickpocket (FBI Definition) |
PRCS | Probation Reduced and Case Set Aside |
PRE-IND PROB | Accelerated rehabilitation program. Defendant is placed on probation. Defendant must complete class before charges will be expunged from the record |
PRE/OBS EXT FIRE | Preventing or Obstruction of Extinguishing Fire |
PRES FLS CL | Presenting False Claim |
PROB | Probation |
PROC | Procuring |
PROC FEM FOR H OF IF | Procuring Females For House of Ill Fame |
PROC TO COMM ARSON | Procuring Person to Commit Arson |
PROF | Profanity |
PROST | Prostitution |
PROWL | Prowling |
PSC | Public Safety Violation Code |
PT | Petty Theft |
PTI | Pre-Trial Intervention |
PUB INTOX | Public Intoxication |
PUB NUIS | Public Nuisance |
PUR/ATT F-WN/LQ/MXBV < 21 | Purchase/Attempt to Purchase Fortified Wine/Liquor/Malt Liquor Beverage by Someone Under the Age of 21 |
PV | Parole Violator |
PWOC | Passing Worthless Check |
QUAR | Quarantine |
RA | Registration Act |
RAPE MNR | Rape of Minor |
RCA | Red Cross Act |
REC | Receiving |
REC & CONC | Receiving and Concealing |
REC MON FR PROST | Receiving Money From Prostitute |
REC PO MO | Receiving Post Office Money Orders |
REAP | Reckless Endangering Another Person |
RECDG WGRS | Recording Wagers |
RECK DR | Reckless Driving |
REM OR CONC SPRTS | Removal or Concealment of Spirits Contrary to Law |
REM IDENT ON GUN | Removing Identification on Gun |
RENT LEWD BKS | Renting Lewd Books |
RESIST ARR | Resisting Arrest |
RESIST OFC | Resisting an Officer |
REST ARR W/O VIOL | Resisting Arrest Without Violence |
REVK | Revoked |
RICO | Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization |
RIF US MAILS | Rifling U.S. Mails |
RIOT | Rioting |
ROB (ARMED or UNARMED) | Robbery (Armed or Unarmed) |
RS OF W/O V | Resisting Officer Without Violence |
RSG | Receiving Stolen Goods |
RSP | Receiving Stolen Property |
RSPMV | Receiving Stolen Property – Motor Vehicle |
RULE | Probation Violation |
RVRD | Probation Revoked and Sentence Reduced |
RVSP | Non-Adjudicated Probation Revoked and Sentenced to Straight Probation |
SAB | Sabotage |
SAFECRK | Safecracking |
SALE IND LIT | Sale of Indecent Literature |
SALE LIQ | Sale Liquor |
SALE MTGD PROP | Sale Mortgaged Property |
SALE NARC | Sale Narcotics |
SALE SEC W/O REG | Sale Securities Without Being Registered |
SED | Sedition |
SEDCT | Seduction |
SEDD 1,500 | Securing and Executing a Document of at Least $1,500 but Less Than $20,000 by Deception or Fraud |
SELL SEC NO LIC | Selling Securities, No License |
SELL UNREG REVLVR | Selling Unregistered Revolver |
SES | Suspend Entry Sentence |
SEX A-V CH | Sexual Assault of a Child, Anal and Vaginal |
SFCAA | State Firearms Control Assistance Act |
SH | Shooting |
SHPB | Shock Probation |
SHPLFTG | Shoplifting |
SKA | Switchblade Knife Act |
SLAN | Slander or Slanderous |
SLIP | Soliciting for Lewd and Immoral Purpose |
SMUG | Smuggling |
SNL | State Narcotic Law |
SOD | Sodomy |
SOL | Solicitation of Bribery (FBI Definition) |
SOL | Stricken of Leave |
SOL COMM SOD | Soliciting to Commit Sodomy |
SOL FOR PROS | Solicitation for Prostitution |
SOL IMM PURP | Soliciting for Immoral Purpose |
SOL W/O LIC | Soliciting Without License |
SOLC | Solicitation to Commit |
SP | Suspicious Person |
SPEED | Speeding |
SSA | Selective Service Act |
ST POIS A | State Poison Act |
ST PROH | State Prohibition |
ST WAGE L | State Wage Law |
STAB | Stabbing |
STAB WITH INT KILL | Stabbing With Intent to Kill |
STAT RAPE | Statutory Rape |
STEAL FR COMN CARRIER | Stealing from Common Carrier |
STEAL SECR OR EMBZ MAIL | Stealing, Secreting or Embezzling Mail mattaer |
STET | Set Aside, Pending (non conviction) |
STLN PROP | Stolen Property |
STORE B | Store Breaking |
STSN | Running a Stop Sign |
SUBV ACTIV | Subversive Activity |
SUN L | Sunday Law |
SUP | Support |
SUS IMP SENT | Suspended Imposition Sent. Non-Conviction |
SUSP | Suspicion |
SW OVER $50 | Swindling Over $50 |
SW UNDER $50 | Swindling Under $50 |
SW W CHKS | Swindle With Checks |
SWIT LIC PL | Switching License Plates |
SWWC | Swindle With Worthless Checks |
T | Theft |
T BY BAIL | Theft By Bailee |
T BY DECEP | Theft By Deception |
T BY T | Theft By Taking |
T OVER $50 | Theft Over $50 |
T UNDER $50 | Theft Under $50 |
T/O 200 | Theft Over $200 |
TA | Tariff Act |
TAMP | Tampering |
TAMP GOV REC | Tampering with Government Records |
TAWOP | Taking Auto Without Owner’s Permission |
TBC | Theft By Check |
TBCI | Plea of not guilty, found innocent by the judge |
TBCT | Plea of not guilty, found guilty by the judge and sentenced by the judge |
TBD | Trial by Declaration |
TDL | Texas Driver License |
TFIS (-AH) | Theft from Interstate Shipment (-Armed Hijacking) |
TGP | Theft of Government Property |
THEFT 750 R AND C | Theft of $750 by Receiving And Concealing |
THRT | Threat (FBI Definition) |
THRT | Threat to Commit |
THRT B OF P | Threatened Breach of Peace |
THRT TO EXT | Threats to Extort |
TOP | Theft of Property |
TR RIDER | Train Rider |
TRAF A | Traffic Act |
TRAF ORD | Traffic Ordinance |
TRAF SIG | Traffic Signals (Running Signal Light) |
TRAN | Transfer to another County/District Court |
TRANSP (LIQ or NARC) | Transporting (Liquor or Narcotics) |
TRESP | Trespassing |
TRU | Truancy |
TWEA | Trading With the Enemy Act |
TYPE OC | Original Capias (Warrant information) |
U & P | Uttering and Publishing |
U/U LIVESTOCK MV | Unlawful Use of a Livestock Motor Vehicle |
UBAL | Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level |
UCW | Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon |
UDAA | Unlawful Driving Away Auto |
UDFC | Utter Distribute Forged Checks |
UFA | Uniform Firearms Act |
UFAC | Unlawful Flight to Avoid Custody or Confinement |
UFAP | Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution |
UFAT | Unlawful Flight to Avoid Testimony |
UIBC | Unlawful Issuance of a Bank Check |
UISC | Unreported Interstate Shipment of Cigarettes |
UMTA | Using Mails To Defraud |
UNA | Uniform Narcotics Act |
UNL ASM | Unlawful Assembly |
UNL DAA & ABNDN | Unlawfully Driving Away and Abandoning Auto |
UNL ENT | Unlawful Entry |
UNL MARR | Unlawful Marriage |
UNL POSS FIREARMS | Unlawful Possession of Firearms |
UNL POSS OR USE EXPLSV | Unlawful Possession or Use of Explosives (bombs, etc.) |
UNL SALE OF SEC | Unlawful Sale of Securities |
UNL USE W (OR UUW) | Unlawful Use of Weapon |
UNLIC CHAUF | Unlicensed Chauffeur |
UNREG STILL | Unregistered Still |
UPRF | Unlawful Possession or Receipt of Firearms |
UPUC | Unauthorized Publication or Use of Communications |
USCC | U.S. Criminal Code or U.S. Criminal Court |
USING MV W/O PRMS | Using Motor Vehicle Without Permission |
USING PROF & AB LANG | Using Profane and Abusive Language |
USTP | Unsatisfactory Termination of Probation |
UTT | Uttering |
UTT CHK | Uttering Check |
UTT FORG INST | Uttering Forged Instrument |
UTT FORG OBL | Uttering Forged Obligation |
UUEV | Unlawful use of Emergency Vehicle |
UUMV | Unauthorized use of Motor Vehicle |
VAG | Vagrancy |
VAGA | Vagabond |
VAM | Veterans Administration mattaers |
VCSDDCA | Violation Controlled Substance Drug Device and Cosmetic |
VEH | Vehicle |
VEH NO LTS | Vehicle No Lights |
VGCSA | Violation of Georgia’s Controlled Substance Act (Georgia |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number |
VIO CITY ORD | Violating City Ordinance |
VIO CSA | Violating Controlled Substance Act |
VIO DAA | Violation Drug Abuse Act |
VIO DDCA | Violation Dangerous Drugs and Control Act |
VIO DYER A | Violation Dyer Act |
VIO FED INJ | Violation Federal Injunction |
VIO HNA | Violation Harrison Narcotic Act |
VIO IMMI L | Violation Immigration Law |
VIO NMVTA | Violation National Motor Vehicle Theft Act |
VIO OF HL | Violation of Health Laws |
VIO OF LL | Violation of Liquor Law |
VIO ST GAME & FISH L | Violating State Game and Fish Law |
VIO ST LL | Violation State Liquor Law |
VIO TRAF REG | Violation Traffic Regulation |
VIO UFA | Violation Uniform Firearms Act |
VIRL (-L) | Violation of Internal Revenue Laws (-Liquor) |
VOL MANSL | Voluntary Manslaughter |
VOL MUR | Voluntary Murder |
VOP | Violation of Probation |
VSSA | Violation of State Securities Act |
VT | Vehicle Taking or Vehicle Theft |
W/S | With Specifications |
WAND | Wandering |
WC | Worthless Check |
WC-OBT PROB | Worthless Check to Obtain Property |
WIND PEEP | Window Peeping |
WOUND | Wounding |
WPPDA | Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act |
WPT | Withdrawn Prior to Trial |
WRONG LIC PL | Wrong License Plates |
WRTD | Writ Denied |
WRTG | Writ Granted |
WRTHLS INST | Worthless Instrument |
WSTA | White Slave Traffic Act |