We manually perform employment reference checks which can help to provide insight into an applicant’s character and work ethic. The employment reference check provides additional information that goes beyond what is listed on an applicant’s resume. First we verify that the provided applicants’ reference contact information is correct. Then we make three attempts (one per business day for three consecutive business days) to establish contact with the applicants’ reference. The price range is from $15 to $20 per employment reference check. We offer volume discount pricing with monthly billing accounts and package discounts for bundled products/services.
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The employment reference check asks 10 reference questions about an applicant.
Employment Reference: The employment reference check is from one person such a former direct report, former co-worker, or former supervisor. We ask the following 10 reference questions.
- Employment Reference Check Questions:
- How many years/months have you known the applicant?
- What type of job and duties did the applicant have?
- Does the applicant carry tasks through to completion?
- In your opinion, what is the applicants’ greatest strength?
- What could the applicant have done to improve his/her job performance?
- How did the applicant show initiative or job leadership?
- Is the applicant dependable?
- How did the applicant get along with coworkers?
- In your experience, has the applicant ever shown a propensity for workplace violence or dishonesty?
- In your opinion, do you think the applicant should be eligible for rehire?
Applicant information that you need to provide: | Optional applicant information you may provide: |
Before you can order an employment reference check, you must be approved for a monthly billing account. Since this is an add-on service only, you must first place a criminal background check prior to an employment reference. When placing your criminal background check order, you will need to enter the Name, DOB, SSN, and Address of the person you are screening. After the criminal background check order is completed, you must email or fax the applicant/employee signed consent form and additional applicant information. [Click Here for PDF Guide: How to place a Verification Check]
Sample Employment Reference Background Check
Click the sample image below or Employment Reference Background Check Sample to view a PDF of what a typical employment reference check includes.